Thursday, September 24, 2009

african decor

Discover the mistakes most people make when using African decor and learn how to add more spice and adventure to any room or space

African Decor Mistakes Most People Make
Author: Roy Primm
African decor can quickly add a sense of style and adventure to any room or space. The exotic shapes, exciting range of colors and hues can do wonders when you need to add spice to your space. But you have to keep a few things in mind when using it in any room. You don't have to be an expert interior designer to decorate with African decor, but if you can avoid the following mistakes your room or space will have the professional touch when you finish. Avoid placing an exotic piece in an area of the room where it is either hidden or if it's big overwhelms a room or space. Try to position a piece where it will enhance or add to a rooms ambiance not overwhelm or distract from it. A simple tip is to simple position item at eye level where it can catch a viewers attention naturally. The key here is make sure it harmonizes no hinders or hampers the mood of the rest of the room. Another obvious but often overlook mistake many people make when using African decor is placing the wrong colors next to each other. This can also include have items with clashing tones or hues next to each other. Making this mistake can result in giving the illusion of disorganization and confusion to a room or space. Depending on the colors, making this mistake can also make it harder on a viewers eyes and can even negatively affect their moods, based on a study by the University of California Berkley. The trick here is to position similar hues, tones and colors together. This will give your room or space a more harmonious and organized presentation to viewers. African decor newbie's often make another mistake when using exotic pieces. Placing too many items next to one another. Doing this can often give a room or space that overcrowded or cluttered appearance. This mistake is often made with African wall decor, but I've seen it made in most other areas as well. The problem with overcrowding is each piece always distracts or pulls attention from each other. The result is little or none of the items get the attention they deserve. If you'll take the time to note these simple suggestions on what not to do you'll naturally have a guide on what to do.

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